Removing Black Magic Islamic Way

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Removing Black Magic Islamic Way

Removing Black Magic Islamic Way, Black magic is very popular all over the world. It is a part of our society for thousands of years. Across the world it is known by many names, such as spells, hex, jadu, among many others. It is mostly used for evil purposes, by invoking the evil spirits and sometimes the devil himself.


The black magicians use an intricate process of sorcery for weeks and sometimes and even months, to do evil for fellow humans. Their rituals sometimes involve, human and animal sacrifices. After performing these rituals, they control the person under the influence and get them to do things they want. Sometimes, they control these spirits too.

Black magicians use spirits and their power to access information from anyone. Once they have access to this information, they use it against the individual. They may torture, the person, in an emotional, mental, physical, or any other way they want. So how do you know if you are under one such spell from a black magician or by your enemy? What are the symptoms? And how do you protect yourself from such a spell?

Symptoms of being influenced under black magic:-

Bear in mind, that black magic is performed on a person for a specific purpose and therefore the symptoms can be many. But in general,  they can be felt. If you are experiencing any of these feelings below, there is a high possibility that you are under the influence of black magic. Physical symptoms like, sudden and heavy gain or loss of weight in your body, Terrible headaches, Blindness, eyes turning grey, are sometimes attributed to black magic.

Emotional symptoms like, inability to sleep (insomnia) or oversleeping, Depression, very bad breath, Feeling negative energy weighing you down, bad body odour, unexplained impotence, menstrual cycles, or miscarriages, excessive indulgence in alcohol & drugs are also clear symptoms. Psychological symptoms like, sudden and excessive anger, paranoia, forgetting incidents and moments of life are clear indicators too.

If you or someone you know and love is undergoing any of the above symptoms, you should be alert and consult a black magic removing specialist at once.

Protecting yourself against black magic:-

Black magic in Islam is forbidden. However did you know that Islam, also teaches us defence against such black magic? Yes Prophet Muhammad taught us to handle the evil eye, and all the bad things, many centuries ago. Defense against black magic is not that hard or complicated. It is simple. We know all these things as it is already said in the Quran. But in the fight for our daily survival, we tend to forget these things. So here are a few things you can do to keep yourself protected from black magic.

  1. Make Dua: Reciting Allah’s name before food, will bless the food. You can never tell who else is a part of the food, if you do not.
  2. Recite Surah – Al – Baqarah in the house or where you spend most of the time like at work. The Prophet of Allah, said: “Satan runs away, from the house in which, Surah al –baqarah is recited”.
  3. Protect yourself at night: Most evil happens at night. When night falls, keep your children and families indoors and close t you. The devils spread out that time and you can be an easy prey if you do not stay close.
  4. Recite the last two verses of Surah al –baqarah before bed time at night.
  5. Also recite Ayatul Kursi before going to bed. Then a guardian from Allah will watch over you.
  6. Above all this the Quran is the ultimate protection. Keep reading it and following the instructions in it. No evil can ever touch you.

Being a good Muslim is the primary purpose. It stands to reason, that anyone who trusts Allah, will be protected by him. If you strive to follow the teachings of the Prophet, and obey Allah, no harm can reach you.

Cure from black magic:-

However if you are unfortunately already affected by black magic, here are a set of things you can do to cure yourself of the ill effects of the magic.

  1. If you know the person and purpose of the black magic, you can force the person to undo what he has done. You can say to him that he should undo his actions or he will be executed.
  2. Reciting Quran, is the best cure. For Quran is has the ultimate effect of removing black magic. Make dua for health and healing. In particular, you can narrate the following dua.

“aalalaaahaummaa Raabb aala-Naas, aadhahaib aala-baas waashafi, aantaa aala-Shaaafiy, laaa shaifaa aa ilalaaa shaifaa ukaa, shaifaa aan laaa yughaaadiru saaqaamaan”

  1. You can also recite the narration by “Jabreel” (may peace be upon him).

“Bismilalaaahaa urqeek, min kulalai shaaaay in yu dhaaeek, waa min shaaaarri kulalai naafsin aaw ‘aaynin haaaasidin aalalaaahaa yaashaafeek, bismilalaaahaa urqeek”

  1. You can take seven green lotus leaves, grind them up and mix them in water, and recite the ayahs and surahs. You can then drink and wash yourself with this water to purify yourself of all the ill effects of black magic.

It is often not an ideal world and people do evil things like black magic on you to bring you down, hurt you or torture you. Knowing everyone, who can do this to you is near to impossible. It is always better to protect yourself against such things.

The Quran, the teachings of Allah, and his messenger, are always for the benefit of humans. If you obey, follow and be dedicated to it, no harm will reach you. You will be protected by the almighty himself and who better to protect you from evil other than him? So ahead place your trust and live a life of joy. May Allah bless you!